23 February 2024

Upcoming Trip to Muslim Majority Country, Please Pray

Hello friends, I just wanted to let you know that our public giving site, which has been located at www.mtw.org/bean since joining MTW staff a few years ago, is going to be “anonymised” sometime in the next few days (we’re not sure when exactly), with the removal of our family picture, names, and any personally identifiable details. But don’t panic, it’s not because we are leaving MTW or the mission field. We will be traveling to visit a team in a Muslim majority country in late March to encourage them and learn from them in hopes of becoming better equipped to reach our friends and neighbours from the Islamic world.

While we can't tell you the name of the city or country we'll be visiting, we can tell you a little bit about it. We can tell you that it is statistically "97-99%" muslim, and that the majority of Muslims there are Shia, with a large minority who are Sunni Muslims. With the exception of westerners who have moved there to do business in their growing economy, over 96% of its citizens are are members of Unreached People Groups and the number of Bible believing Christians in the country is only about 0.2% of the population. The good news is that Christianity is slowly growing there at a modest growth rate of just less than 4% per year, and they border another Muslim majority country where Christianity is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. (For comparison, Christianity's global annual growth rate for all countries is 2.6%, in the U.S. it is 0.8%, and the U.K. is 0.0%)

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For security reasons, in order to keep the team we're visiting and the folks they are reaching in their host country safe, we can’t really say much more than that right now, and that is why our giving site will be changed soon in case any government officials or others may do a web search on us as part of our visa application, or other interactions that may happen while we’re in country. We’re also in the process of trying to remove anything from our social media that may be publicly accessible with a web search that would associate us with the organisation that we and the team we are visiting work for, including our Facebook group, which I have now changed the settings for to private and hidden except for people who are already members of the group.

We would be encouraged to have your prayers for this trip, both for us and for the team we will be visiting, and if you may feel led to give toward our travel expenses to learn from our colleagues there, we would be so grateful. For now you can still give online at our www.mtw.org/bean website, but we hope to have a new secure link soon that will be considerably more “bare bones” that may have not have any more information on it than our personal MTW ministry account number (400513).

Finally, if any of you tech gurus out there want to “snoop” for us with a search and let us know if find anything out there on the “World Wide Web” that we need to shut down, including mentions of us on church websites, newsletters posted online, etc. that could be helpful as well!

22 February 2024

Bible Study Prep For Home Group in Multiple Languages

This is what my prep for Home Group Bible Study on Ephesians 2 looks like for tonight, and no, I don’t speak Farsi or Arabic. Why do you ask?

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08 February 2024

Google Translate For Our Home Group Chat Group

It warms my heart that sometimes we have to use Google translate to understand what’s being said in our home group’s WhatsApp chat!

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01 February 2024

Home Group Off To A Start for 2024

Hey friends,

After a very busy month of outreach in January with Hope Explored and getting our weekly Free English Classes off to a good start for the term, we were finally able to kick off our first Home Group Bible Study of 2024 tonight, starting a new study in Ephesians. We had our biggest group yet with 28 in attendance, including a really encouraging influx of newcomers from English class and Hope Explored, most of whom are not yet Christians and new to studying the Bible. Our friend Kit from Hong Kong came, as well as three other friends from Hong Kong, Calvin, Barbara, and Benson who I've been meeting with regularly to read the Bible together. 

May be an image of 12 people and table

Our Kuwaiti friend Khaled from English class came as well, even though he speaks almost no English whatsoever. Thankfully we had two other newcomers in attendance who can speak Arabic, Nadia (Iraq) and Habib (Iran) and were able to help translate for Khaled, and we also had some Farsi speakers who were new as well, Davood and Nayesh. Habib and I were able to visit more with Davood and Nayesh after the study to find our more about their story and they shared with us that they are from a Muslim background in Iran, but came to London in December wanting to learn more about Jesus. Last but not least one of our English class regulars, Mila from Ukraine came tonight as well who Shanna and I were really encouraged to see connect really well with one of our Polish friends Patrycja Pe-Ka who is a strong Christian and one of our Home Group regular attenders. Patrycja and her husband Dawid KaliƄski and their children are very dear to us and have been such an encouagement for our family over the past 2 years here in London.

May be an image of book and text

Please pray that the Lord would give us good opportunities to continue to follow up with each of these newcomers about Jesus, and that they would continue coming to Home Group and Free English Classes that God is using to help us connect with people, and especially that they might come along to church with us on a sunday morning or evening.

Prague: The Birthplace of the Reformation and Now Capital of the Most Atheist Nation on Earth

Prague, the Birthplace of the Reformation is Now Capital of the Most Atheist Country in the World. Will You Trust Jesus With Us to Help Change That?

Hello Friends, Shanna and I couldn’t possibly be more encouraged and excited to share with you that this past weekend, Faith Community Churc...